Steve Bannon: White Supremacist or Cryto Enthusiast (or both)
With America under new management, old and refined factions and regimes have come to the forefront to announce their "superiority" or better yet give one last rallying cry of survival. The visiual symbology of Obama is over, and the world is under the thumb of Donald Trump. With rises of clans such as the Lost Boys, KEK, and especially the alt-right, white inferiority is running rampid as the world is slowly being pulled from their grasp. Allow spokesman such as Richard Spencer tell it, the alt-right is not racist for believing in their race superiority. This re-hashed narrative of a "pure" caucasian has came back from the Neo-Nazi era, but it does not seem to explain their affinity for Asian women. Steve Bannon has been involved in media, constantly being another vessel proudly proclaiming their love for their race and only their race as other ethnicites are to receive benign neglect. With the alt-right having so many regulations and pre-requisites for their faction, it is seemed to be missed by them that there is no honor amongst thieves. Bannon's start did not begin with the media, but instead more of an administrative role. He had a small position with Goldman Sachs investing in different firms (Goldman Sachs now owns Poloniex one of the largest crytpo exchanges). A true Wall Streeter, the only goal was to fatten his pockets along with his partners, and avoid prosecution. Other than Wall Street, Bannon also spear headed the site Breitbart spreading racist idealogies and manifestoes to establish more domincance for white inferiority cherry picking crime stats and contrasting behavior between victims of supremacy and innate criminals. Never having a political background, Bannon spent most of his time funding and producing behind the scenes. This type of networking will lead him to Donald Trump and eventually serving as an advisor for a brief period of time. Steve was known for getting Trump into office with his alt-right views and facist statements. As tension in the country began to boil over the lid, it was announced he was "released" from the advisory team with Trump even going forward to say he wasn't as essential as people make him to be and the election could have been won without him. Trump also included that Bannon was a good man and not a racist (yea ok). He denied any involvement with him after the firing, but common sense is telling me that this is strictly a PR move. Reports of Bannon crying and mentally losing it were circulating the news circuit, but something else had to be up with this charade. Now and days, Bannon is not to be silenced as his stand has not necessarily transformed, but took another route. To a Swiss newspaper he quoted that "cryptocurrencies could be an asset to the European anti-establishment movement". Bannon accused governments, central banks, and tech companies of taking away the rights and identities of ordinary people and using them for their own purposes. He states cryptocurrencies are the only way to take the power away from the central banks. This news is particularly alarming as Bannon's affiliation with any extremsit groups are still at question. His open critique of Wall Street execs and Sillicon Valley execs were not to be missed, as he stated they were in the business to debase currency and soverignty. The message is strong, and it is worth to mention Bannon is currently on tour across Europe speaking to far-right rallies about the importance of the blockchain, and how it can be the tool to fight back. Regardless of motive, Bannon has found a new instrument to weaponize, and my only fear is that people will wake up when it's too late. -Knotty Investor
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