Black People and TOXICITY of WHITENESS
Toxic Black People and Their Toxic Fascination Aligned with Whiteness (interracial relationships, and understanding black politics) by Prince Onyx I as a SGL (Same Gender Loving) Pro-black man, can’t and don’t find a Black man who has dated white or non-black men attractive. Why? Because when you are with a White man you are submissive to him, and he has power over you. My opinions here may offend a lot of people, but I don’t care if that hurts your feelings for those of you too sensitive to handle an opposing view. If you are truly as pro-black as you say, then cut out the fascination for whiteness and embrace who you are fully. You can’t be problack and your penis/vagina is “all lives matter”. You can’t be problack and your dating options are open to all. No matter how big your fro is, how many ankhs you wear, black power fist necklaces you wear, how much you put your black fist in the air, go to the rallies and protest, wear fresh, clean and unwrinkled dashikis; you can’t be pro-black if you date white/non-black! Sorry, not sorry! Stay mad! I say that, because in order to be pro-black you can’t half-step and half-ass on the issues of police brutality, racism, colorism, etc. When it comes to those who are in IR’s they half-step and half-ass, because they don’t wanna upset or make their non-black partner uncomfortable which is fucking stupid, there in turn you can’t really be pro-black and speak on these issues wholeheartedly because both of your feet aren’t planted within the black community! Get out of your feelings and understand what I am saying, if you can’t then fuck off and have a nice pathetic life. Loyalty and Black politics is missing when it comes to those of you fake problack folks claiming to be down for your people when in actuality you are not. If you want to be in an interracial union, then go ahead but understand that in order to be with someone non-black, you do not have a seat at the table with us, black people, nor do you have a seat at the table with your non-black partner’s people either. In order to be with your non-black partner you have to forfeit your blackness, black culture and that’s just the truth. Black love is hated on and shamed till this very day don’t debate me on this when you know it’s true! If you are truly about fighting for the black community you must understand these black politics, points of privilege, points of power! Interracial relationships isn’t as simple as “oh the black men likes white women” “the black women dating them white boys” there’s more to it than that! There’s a power play involved. There’s power in that. The black men that want white women want to be white men because they’ve brought into the idea of patriarchy created by white supremacy via white men! As far as black women there’s a fascination with white women that needs to stop, why is it you may ask do black women take the side of white women such as Tiffany Jolene who went in on black men, and you saw many black women propping her up “go white sis” “preach sis” “you tell em”, etc. That’s a problem! this white mayo ghost dog bitch disrespected black men, yet black women rooted for her and cheered her on via social media, she’s no better than that Veronica Wells bitch who called all black men (including black boys who grow into men) are terrorists (another bitch for another time). Tiffany Jolene also attacks black women online as quiet as it is kept…but back to the point are black women also trying to be the white woman and get closer to the white man? Black men as seen in statistics are twice as likely to marry and date outside the race than black women are. Another s.n. black people can’t culturally appropriate anything because we are no the dominate culture, just like we can’t be racist it’s that fucking simple we can only assimilate those are symptoms of victimization and oppression and white supremacy! Again back to the point…don’t confused these docile, submissive, broken back, sub-males you see, encounter, interact with and date, with real black men who are comfortable in his blackness, gender, their heterosexuality, respects black women, and represents good black manhood. Yes we have poison in our community as stated before black men who often times are insecure about their blackness have brought into the idea of patriarchy thinking they have a seat at the table with white men (which is a fallacy and so false), and they lack confidence in their black manhood, have not be trained right. They been taught by white supremacy via white teachers and coaches they were taught to submit to these white men! NFL is a perfect example, we tell our young black boys and men you are big, black, strong, and football is your way out or poverty, your way out of the circumstances you were born into and all you gotta do is submit to white men because although 70% of the NFL are black players, the coaches and owners are all typically white! and as a result you have these black men who were brought up and taught to submit to white men and have NO SECURITY IN THEIR BLACK MANHOOD! Becoming nearly as toxic as these white men they model themselves after these white men! this leaves us with broken black men who have no foundation in blackness so of course they are gonna find white women and men (for those who are gay) attractive and appealing! However, when you know your people, know thyself, your confident and knowledgeable, know your power and politics you know better! Yes i will admit I have found white guys attractive in the past, talked to them via dating apps, and so on. But it is because there was something in me that was broken, something was wrong, a cloud in judgment, an error like a computer/laptop system…for those of you who are in IR’s and will come across this post you need to get out of your feelings cause you are only going to get hurt thinking this post is about you, miss me with your butt hurt feelings! If you want to be with a white man or woman go ahead as I stated before, go ahead fall in love with that person but understand you can’t sit with us anymore, you can’t claim to be pro-black. This isn’t mean, this is being smart, being political this is how it should be, once you choose your mate you’ve shown where your politics lay. This is the art of war, you can’t have radical black politics and be in an interracial union! Most White people are inherently racist due to what society perpetuates. There are power dynamics in dating, relationships and marriage. You can’t condemn a black man for being with a white woman when you are just as addicted to said white woman or man even though you aren’t sleeping with that person yourself! In an interracial union your white partner has power over you no matter what, that’s the truth, let them calls cops cause they mad at you, and let’s see the end result, to be with them you are bowing down to white supremacy! There’s hardly any loyalty among black men and women nowadays, these cancers need to nuked and cut out! They will not change! they are toxic, subscribing to patriarchy trying to get the white woman in order to get close to the white man’s ass and be him! That’s unattractive to me! Black men understand this, white/non-white and non-black people be they Latino, Asian, and Indian, shouldn’t be doing or saying anything harmful to black women or children when they walk down the street. There needs to be more protection of black women and children! black men need to step up and do better, these toxic black men need to go! if we don’t get rid of them. If black men don’t step up the way black women have been stepping up and constantly protecting you CIS gender black men then our race will continue to be in danger! Black men, black women, and black people do better! Disclaimer; This is Prince Onyx Opinion Piece We allow all versatile thoughts from Black people around the globe. If you agree or have a opposing view, send us your opinion piece or article. More Articles Below
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